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Releasing Sexual Shame

MHH Releasing Sexual Shame
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Resolve sexual dysfunctions by releasing shame

The black hole

Do you struggle with porn addiction, Erectile Dysfunction, Premature Ejaculation and other sexual dysfunctions?

I use and at the end of that last sentence because sexual dysfunctions never exist in isolation. They form a constellation of issues around a single, malevolent black hole—the black hole of sexual shame.

Sexual shame is one of the three forms of shame in our unconscious. The others are the shame of our emotions and the shame of our physical body (in terms of both appearance and the shame of bodily functions):

Sexual shame

Of the three, sexual shame is the most powerful. It’s the aspect of humanity that’s been most despised, denied, repressed, suppressed and punished through the course of what we like to think of as civilisation.

Releasing sexual shame

This course is a follow-on from the Releasing Unconscious Shame course that focuses on sexual issues.

This intermediate-level course goes deeper into the unseen mechanics of sexual dysfunction lurking in your unconscious, including what Michael Picucci, PhD, terms the ‘sexual-spiritual split’.

The Investigation section looks at three common instances of sexual dysfunction. The purpose here is to train you to identify instances of shame both in your life and around you. Perceiving shame is a muscle that, like the gym, is built through practice.

The Cases section examines three real-life cases where sexual dysfunction spirals into criminal behaviour and tragedy. These are object lessons for all of us. We do not and cannot know how deep and powerful our shame is—until it breaks us.

Finally, the Masculinity section looks at society’s overarching shame of the penis. This manifests, among many ways, in Erectile Dysfunction and Premature Ejaculation. Both these conditions can be eased by releasing shame.

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