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How to Unite Head, Heart and Genitals

MHH How to Unite Head, Heart & Genitals
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Healing the “shambles”

British psychiatrist R. D. Laing wrote: “When our personal worlds are rediscovered… we discover first a shambles… genitals dissociated from heart; heart severed from head; heads dissociated from genitals.” This course provides a framework for healing this shambles.

Laing’s damning assessment of dysfunctional humanity—and the critical function of sexuality—is echoed by pioneering psychoanalyst Wilhelm Reich.

“Man is the only biological species which has destroyed its own natural sex function, and that is what ails him.”

— Wilhelm Reich, The Function of the Orgasm

Since the dawn of patriarchy, we have actively destroyed natural sexuality from suppression and repression of sex.

We are like Lego figures. Detachable heads, torsos and legs, made of plastic, unfeeling and imperishable. We live in a Lego world where plastic faces with fixed smiles grin inanely at each other. Everyone pretends that, like Lego figures, they have no genitals.

Uniting head, heart, and genitals

When we embark on a journey of self-discovery, self-development and self-responsibility—“when our personal worlds are rediscovered”—there are actually two journeys we need to make to achieve wellbeing.

The first is the well-recognised trek from the head to the heart. The second, barely acknowledged even by experienced voyagers in our personal worlds, is much longer, more arduous, more hazardous, and trodden by far less travellers than that from the head to the heart: the journey from the genitals to the heart.

“Michael has become a wonderful influence on my life. His guidance leads to a radically new but overwhelmingly true perspective.”

— JD, Iowa, USA

Continuing on from the Releasing Unconscious Shame course, this course is aimed largely (but not exclusively) at men. It covers the journey of sexual exploration that occurs when we seek to unite head, heart, and genitals into a cohesive whole.

Healing the “Shambles” – how to unite head, heart, and genitals is a unique course that takes you deep into the heart of human dysfunction and dares to find a way out.

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